occasional poem
"first thought, best thought"
~allen ginsberg
holidays approaching again
my first wife dumped me
xmas eve 1976
a bicentennial break-up
which i richly deserved
fill in the blanks
i rented a truck
retrieved my gear, my books,
with 3 now-estranged friends
but i left behind my record albums
now known as vinyl
a shy acknowledgement
of fault, maybe, or
maybe just a typical
p. o'hayer fuck-up
sorta half-rhymes with break-up
life went on
i won the lottery
so many times since then
i probably owe her a cut
presently headed to kansas
for the holidays
with KW, new beginning
horizons expanding
and i'm no cowboy
but i did love "wyatt earp" on TV
in the Fifties
dodge city
when westerns ruled the day
and gunplay settled every dispute
thank you, ex missus o'hayer,
where ever you may be
thank you so very very much
hope you're playing my
songs of leonard cohen
which i bought
when it dropped
december 1967
on this sad sad sad day
november 2016
copywrite © 2016 by patrick o'hayer
copywrite © 2016 by patrick o'hayer